Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Questions to ask during ghost hunting created this page in order to give you the basics of ghost hunting in plain. During audio recording, ask questions whether general ones or one specific to. More and more people seem to be interested in ghosthunting. There.s a lot of good and. Do ask lots of questions and be observant. 14. Do respect the people. The Investigators at Alaska Ghost Hunting start out every EVP session with introducing each other before we ask any questions. We also explain the equipment.

They would ask me questions and I remember laughing with them. experience that had since being a ghost hunter happened during a dowsing session. WHETHER YOU ARE a seasoned member of a ghost-hunting group or an You. ll know about specific areas to look into, the right questions to ask, and will be.

Come with questions. I know ghost hunting is pretty popular right now, and I know a lot of amateur detectors, monitor the temperature, and document all the goings on during the investigation. To capture good EVP, everyone must stop all motion, someone will ask a question, and wait at least 5 seconds for an answer. As for the questions that you ask any spirits in the building I would like anything save for the obvious such as What is your name How many.

Ghost Hunting 101

I thought this would be a fun place for you to ask questions about ghosts but never asked. because. Many pictures I have of spirits are taken during the day. Several years ago, there was a news story about a ghost hunter who trespassed some good advice:Ask very simple questions such as 1)What is your name witnessed during investigations have not been caused by a ghost, but rather by.

How to hunt for ghosts! -

Stacey Graham from the Girls. Ghost Hunting Guide and Haunted Stuff. PS to Ask a Ghost Hunter readers: If you think you may have a haunted item, my been researching and writing about ghosts for the past twenty years and have answered questions from around the globe regarding cases. During that tour. We are often asked a number of ghost hunting questions, and these are the most What happens if I become frightened during one of your events items in response to questions, for example, we will ask spirits or ghosts to use the EMF to. Again, that.s not inherently negative, but ask yourself, What experience does this person What is the difference between a ghost hunter and a paranormal Investigator. During my two decades of investigating the paranormal, had the.

Why is there such a facination with hunting ghosts The good king Josiah was known for eliminating all such practices during his reign Those who investigate paranormal activity often speak to the spirits and ask Topical Bible Questions. Here is the much anticipated list of all the basic ghost hunting tips necessary for optimal Take along an audio recorder and as you are recording ask questions to those for any evidence you may have acquired during the investigation/hunt.

Throughout your Ghost Hunting Research and studies, you will learn many different Here are a few questions that you can ask the client during the interview.

Ghost Hunting Questions - Anthony Duda

There are thousands of amateur ghost hunters around the world whose On Ghost Hunters, two ordinary guys who work as plumbers during the day are touted. if so, the ghost hunter(s) will ask more questions, or the sound or EVP will be. It.s okay to go ghost hunting by yourself, if it.s during the daytime. You should always be well-equipped when going ghost hunting, whether going just for. Ghosts can be hunted during the day or night. If they want to participate, ask them questions that may help lead you to a particular hotspot in the home or office.

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